Imagine being best friends with Telemundo the Indian Channel. Ridiculous right?
Do you remember that passage of the Bible that says if men don't worship the Lord, He would raise stones to worship Him? Well, I think same goes here, if people no longer value each other and decide to no longer be friends, well, things like Telemundo take their place.
Well, things haven't exactly been great for Mr. O. He went from loosing his job to loosing his wife, then loosing his friends and getting a new job, winning his wife back to loosing his salary and loosing his wife again. The only thing he hasn't lost is his Faith, his Child and of course, his Telemundo.
I'm sure he didn't see this coming. He used to be a very happy and generous fellow who always had people around him. People he shared dreams, goals, and even names with. He isn't exactly the most attractive of men but his beautiful heart taught some people that the content was of more value than the container. When he first lost his job and was unable to get a new one immediately, reality came crashing down on him and since then, he has been trying to grab a hold on life.
I know a lot of people have similar experiences with Mr. O, some have even passed through worse things but if you are still alive, then that's the good news. Life doesn't go exactly as we plan. I mean, it gives us surprises here and there, some are good, others aren't but if we can open our eyes to a new day, it means there is a chance things can change for the better. Instead of letting ourselves sink in our misery, we can try to look at things from a positive perspective, try to get the message God is probably passing to us in times like this, try to enjoy the little insignificant things nature has given to us like letting the rain drop on our faces or even enjoying a hard laugh on the funny things people especially Nigerians say on social media. The point is, worrying or strife doesn't take the problem away but channeling your energy to something that makes you laugh or calm can give you the strength to face another day. It's only a matter of time before we get to walk past the problems that we face. Having issues is part of living but how you choose to overcome them is the choice you have to make.
(Based on a friend's story).
So true... We just have to seek faith and overcome all...