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We Live by our Words

                       We live by our words
       When people do or talk about something a lot, it slowly becomes part of them. These things find a way to settle in and that's why it's important to talk or do the right things. For instance, if one talks about being kind to others a lot, with time he would find himself practicing the act of kindness. Before he realizes it, kindness would be a way of life for him such that without a single act of kindness done, he won't feel sane.
     Same goes when we talk about the wrong things, cheating, corruption, sexual immorality and the likes, with time, we don't get to see the evils in these things anymore. We laugh about them, create memes about them, indirectly promoting these things such that they become so popular that no one sees the extent they've come in ruining our lives and society. They creep into our lives and become part of our lifestyles and when we realize what has happened, it would not be very easy to make them go away.
      We need to protect the windows to our minds, what we see, hear and surround ourselves with, because it's the channel to either destroying or building us up.

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