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Chameleon in Cape

      I know I'm not the only person in this situation.
        The world has taught us that to enjoy it,  we need to showcase our talent, bring forth our gifts and probably with a little touch here and there, we would make it in life.
     Well, some of us don't actually have something we can call our talent or our gifts. I personally have tried to figure out what I love doing or something I'm really good at but I've come up with nothing because today, I'm good at writing or cooking and tomorrow, just like that, I find out that I'm not interested anymore. The only reasonable explanation I can give is "I'm not in the mood " to carry out that activity. It reaches down to things as well. At first I thought I loved perfumes so much but then I found out that I could go months without using any and still feel just fine. Same goes with jewelry, hand bag and some other things other ladies go crazy for. I don't have a favourite food or color or thing to do. At first, I thought it was weird and would always cook something up whenever I was asked so I don't feel odd but for the sake of honesty, I just say what I enjoy at the moment, but with time, I had to accept the fact that I didn't have a talent at least for now.
     For people like me, I think our gift or talent is just the ability to survive. By this, I mean the ability to look for something to do incase an opportunity to put what we have learnt to use shows up and to also blend into any situation just to make something out of life. No one told us growing up was a trap. As children, we are always in a hurry to grow up forgetting to enjoy the freedom and the gift of depending on our parents. As an adult, we do the thinking and struggling on our own and the only time we actually enjoy it is when we begin to see results if not, it's just one struggle after another till we find our big break.
    There might be no set time in finding these talents of ours, it might happen even at old age or when we are still very young or we might even not find it at all but till then, all we have to do is survive, pretend like we like it till we find something better or better still create something and employ people with the talent to work on it. Do whatever it takes but most importantly, strive to survive.



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