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The Game of Blows

Hmm!  I saw this video on instagram of people fighting in the House of Rep abi na House of Senate, I'm not so sure of the particular one, all I know is that there was a fight and the characters in this game of blows are men old enough to be my dad at least, men that are supposed to be examples, men that were put there to protect and fight for a  better life for us.

I don't know what led to the fight sha but I was wondering if they use this same strength to fight for our rights as citizens and people under their care, if they can raise chairs to strike anyone that embezzles the money kept for the reconstruction of our roads and gutters to prevent cases of flood, if they throw blows at people that are behind the reason why Nigeria can't enjoy stable electricity, if they push anyone that tries to stop our students from going to school hence the ASUU strike Isorait!

Sometimes the things we do, do not matter as much as how we do them. See as I see them dy fight, the first thing wy enter my head na the kind shame they dy rub on us. I no wan know wetin cause am or other details because I feel no matter what, there are other ways to resolve an issue other than fighting like this, when e reach time to fight for us, you no go see them, if na money matter now all of them go dy fight like the night walkers. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who doesn't know the reason behind the fight but is just disgusted by it, and to think that this isn't the first or second time. Very soon our speakers in the house would be elected based on his experience as a wrestler. 


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