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Once upon a time, a country was known for it’s wealth, a people were known for their hard work and how they are never afraid to speak out. People from other African countries wished they had a link to us, they wanted to be associated with Nigeria in some way, we were known as the giants of Africa, maybe it’s because of this confidence that our government felt they’ve done enough and decided to relax and loot the cake that is supposed to be shared amongst everyone, they just didn’t care anymore, after all we are the giants of Africa and once a giant, always a giant, forgetting that even giants need to be nourished and taken care of else they would shrink to dwarfs, now we’ve become the laughing stock of the world. Lately Nigeria has been all over the news for all the wrong reasons, in a bid to level up, our youths are becoming fraudsters, I mean why won’t they be celebrated when the thieves in politics are celebrated simply because they have “stolen” money to throw around, no one cares about the source of the wealth they showcase, after all “if they no make money, wetin they gain?” 

Our social media influences don’t even know what to influence anymore, if it’s not to showcase luxurious things and drag more people into committing crimes, they promote nudity and unholy sexuality, well, there are a few of them who still stand as the voice of the people, using their platforms to reach out to the government, the same government that does not seem to care whether or not we perish.

To live in Nigeria has been a big risk for a very long time, no good roads, no stable electricity, no security, if boko haram does not bomb you, Fulani herdsmen will butcher you and your family and if that does not happen, you are most likely to die from the harassment from the police or SARS. You finally decide to travel abroad, you don’t stand a chance to get employment because they think you are a fraudster simple because greed did not allow some of your brothers to pursue money legally so they decided to smear everyone’s name in the mud just to buy Benz. 
Now your safety is also at risk because some people see you as a threat, they cannot accommodate you anymore so they kill and destroy your properties knowing that your government can do nothing about it. 
How sad is to be a Nigerian at this time, you cannot survive both within and outside the country, when you decide to talk about our problems and possible solutions on social media, some clueless individuals will ignore your message and comment on their wares for sale like their lives are not important, well, how can they be bothered since they aren’t directly affected, I mean, how can they be when animals steal and swallow money and expect even lesser animals to believe the gist. 

Ahh!! Naija, we only get involved when trivial issues like jellof and Big Brother Naija are discussed, it’s good to have some form of comic relief in the midst of our troubles o but na person wey dey alive get mouth to chop jellof or eyes to watch Big Brother. 
It’s no longer a laughing matter, something seriously needs to be done else we won’t even have a Nigeria to get back to only a bunch of zombies dancing to soapy, leg work and making “not so funny” skits online. 

We better start loving and supporting one another because the government won’t do it for us and that starts with getting our priorities straight on what to condone and what to promote. However, I believe somehow that these troubles might be what we need to clear our heads and think straight, after all, we have to get to our lowest point before we see a breakthrough, maybe this is our lowest point.


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