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Showing posts from 2019


You see, in as much as we want to make it, I’ve come to realize that making it involves a continuous struggle to keep learning, keep striving and keep improving. The first goal might be to be the biggest artist, however, in the next 5 years, the goal has to change because no one can be the biggest forever, however, we can continually improve on our plan to fit into the life ahead of us because truth is, we constantly outgrow our goals but can not quit trying to be better versions of ourselves. 


Source: Once upon a time, a country was known for it’s wealth, a people were known for their hard work and how they are never afraid to speak out. People from other African countries wished they had a link to us, they wanted to be associated with Nigeria in some way, we were known as the giants of Africa, maybe it’s because of this confidence that our government felt they’ve done enough and decided to relax and loot the cake that is supposed to be shared amongst everyone, they just didn’t care anymore, after all we are the giants of Africa and once a giant, always a giant, forgetting that even giants need to be nourished and taken care of else they would shrink to dwarfs, now we’ve become the laughing stock of the world. Lately Nigeria has been all over the news for all the wrong reasons, in a bid to level up, our youths are becoming fraudsters, I mean why won’t they be celebrated when the thieves in politics are celebrated simp...

A Generation of Sexuality

Right now, it's really disturbing that almost everyone in our present generation is somewhat crazy about sex, they talk about it on every social media platform, they give references to it, joke about it and also upload videos and images emitting sexuality. I'm not saying it's bad to be fully aware of ones sexuality but is it the most important thing in our plate right now?  I mean, not to sound like a kill joy but isn't it disturbing that now it seems child molestation is on the rise, rape cases and so on and if you check well, it might be tied to the excessive sexual content that is seen every day, some times it's so difficult to avoid even though we are supposed to protect ourselves from such exposure. Even if you are sexually active when you clearly aren't supposed to be, why should you be arrogant about it and show everyone how sizzling and probably enticing you think you are or rather, can be. Now almost every girl wants to be round and protruding in t...