That moment when you are contemplating doing something, say for instance buying an article but it's really expensive so you are trying to figure out if it is really worth it and then a friend comes by and tells you that they bought the same material of a lower quality than yours for twice the amount you are considering. Isn't it funny that at that point you quickly buy that material with a slight feeling of happiness because of your friend's misfortune.
Another scenario is when you just bought something for a rather outrageous price but because you know it's very important it didn't hurt so much. The moment your friend tells you she got the same thing for free, it just begins to feel like a big balloon of jealousy mixed with anger and ganished with pain is amount to burst up I'm your heart.
I know it's funny but is that not how witchcraft is identified? Rejoicing at your friends downfall and only expecting the good thing for yourself alone. Some people might say they aren't guilty of this but if you are being honest with yourself, you would know we all have this in us.
However, the problem isn't about having this feeling of selfishness or jealousy but how you handle it when these feelings come. I once read somewhere that in every man, there are two wolves, the good and the bad but the one that would survive is the one you feed.
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