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The Relationship between Marriage and Respect

Hey guys , my friend sent this to me and though I find it really hilarious, it's completely ridiculous. read up and share your thoughts in the comment section, I would like to know what you think.

      "Today at school,I went to get my monthly clearance form from the headmaster, it happened that I entered with three other fellow corps members.
The headmaster unfortunately has just one form left and asked someone go make photocopies. One was with a child
The other has a ring( wedding ring or engagement ring,I didn't bother looking)
The last, quite chubby and bigger than me in looks
I was busy with my phone,my head down when I heard ' ocha go and make photocopies.
I turned with that look like ' Are you talking to me, me?
They chorused  yes,you
I asked why, like why should I be the one to go make photocopies for you guys.
Unbelievably they said' I buro nwunye oga(you ain't married or with a child)
I shook!😳
I was like wow!
They chorused yes now ,no evidence, no ring no baby, so please go make photocopies
I opened my mouth,words couldn't flow.
Okay let me give you a picture of me today: I am slim like skinny so obviously I ain't married. I am on low cut with golden tinted hair, so obviously this wan can't be married, I am not robust or flash my ring around,so obviously I ain't married, I wore a fitted gown with my flat tummy😏 ( don't let the devil use you and comman say issalie) so obviously I can't be married.
I looked at them.
I asked them how old do you think I am( they chorused 24!
I laughed
Me that is aging and time is going for me, me that is almost 30!
I can't believe this!
I am traumatized!
When did we get here!
When did we start measuring respect with marriage inclined!
Don't ask me what happened next.
Because,I stupidly gat up and went to make photocopies for nwunye ogas."

I know we tend to respect married people a lot especially women but should there be a limit ? If there is, where should the line be drawn ?
Leave your thoughts in the comment box below. 😉


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