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A Walk in the Dirt.

   I just lost my flip flops. In search for them I had to go from one room to another on my bare feet.the idea of walking around in the dirt makes me mad.I just can't believe it,how can I leave something here just minutes ago only to come back and find them missing,where does this happen if not in a hostel environment where there are students in dire need of something, whatever it maybe, even the most useless commodity is wanted by someone.
   I can't seem to find my flops anywhere and because I don't have any other as a replacement, I'm subjected to walking on the dirty floor,asking questions about them. The moment something gets missing, nobody will have an idea of It's whereabout. Now,I'm crying.I'm crying because my mum warned me about losing my things and before she can replace something she had already bought, I would have to show her the old item. I don't just know what to do, in a few hours the bell will go off and it would be time for lunch. Does it mean I would have to walk to the refectory on bare feet?
   Walking on the ground,I realised how hot it felt beneath my feet, it stings my feet so I'm in a hurry to get to a cooler surface. At this time,I wonder how difficult it is for those that are homeless and are so broke that they can't afford something to wear or something to protect their soles with. You know, you never really understand the value of something in your possession until you no longer have it. Being subjected to walking in the dirt has taught me to feel just a little of the pains of those that have it as a way of their life.  Could it ever be better for them? Will they ever have the opportunity to enjoy some of the privileges you take for granted? I can't answer that,but what I do know is that you can experience their joy or discomfort only if you give them something that is missing in their lives. When an opportunity to help someone comes to you,do not turn your back against it.


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