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Let's Talk About FWPs.


Do you feel frustrated because you can't find your keys? You remember leaving them on the table but it's just not there anymore.

Do you think the weather is too hot and too cold and the same time? When you have the blanket on, it's too hot but when you take it away, it's just too cold.

Were you gifted a car.. Any type of car - but you are feeling frustrated that it wasn't the benz you asked for?

Do you feel like destroying the TV simply because the remote isn't working?

Do you feel like it's not fair for apple to keep producing new iPhones when you haven't enjoyed the last one you bought, now you have to get the latest?

Are you really angry that the network is soooooo slow that you feel like leaving Earth to Mars? -There could be better network there, who knows.

Are you so pissed off because the wire of your ear piece keeps tangling and no matter how many times you've tried to untangle it, it just keeps going back?

Well, if you have any of these problems, it might seem you are suffering from this disease known as First World Problems, FWP for short.

Now what are FWPs?
First world problems-When you already have a substantial amount of what you need , yet you complain about the quailty and the type you want.

So my friend, if you've confirmed that you have this problem, rejoice for I come with a cure!
You might want to get yourself the FWPs Kit. This kit consist of three important items to help you take care of this problem.
The first is a Bridge, for you to GET OVER it;
Next is a Straw, for you to SUCK it up;
And finally a half filled cup with a lid, for you to SHUT it up.

Thank me later :)

Please leave comments on other examples of FWPs you know and don't forget to tell your friends about this. 


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